Welcome to my author website, I’m so glad that you are here. Before we get to the business side of things like my book coaching and social media coaching, here are some fun things about me!
10 Random and Fun Facts About Caroline:
- At age 13, Caroline “borrowed” her dad’s Rollieflex and taught herself photography.
- Caroline owned a Pilates studio, Definition Studio in Vancouver, BC for seven years. She trained famous Hollywood celebrities as well as NHL players and everyone in between.
- She holds a BFA in screenwriting from York University and script doctored a international award winning film.
- She has been dancing and performing since she was three years old.
- She worked in: film, fitness, beauty, fashion, real estate, insurance and the automotive industry (not necessarily in that order)
- She’s friends with a Russian Prima Ballerina
- She has a motorcycle license
- She worked on crew on several film productions for the Canadian Film Center
- She has a soft spot for Anne of Green Gables and lives in fear of a bad reboot
- Every year she’s intrigued by pumpkin spice lattes but has never gotten past the first sip.
Okay so these aren’t fun facts exactly but my blog is pretty great. Check it out my blog Style On The Side. Oh! And did you know that I’ve written two books? Here they are, Tell Me What You See, visual writing prompts for the wandering writer & FITWISE: Straight Talk About Being Fit & Healthy